Russ Allbery wrote:


> > And another question. If a Kerberos-enabled server has several
> > principals in its keytab, how exactly does it decide which one to
> > use?

> It uses whatever one the client uses, in general.  There are some services
> that limit what principals they'll accept to only that one principal that
> matches what the service thinks is the local hostname, but given how many
> problems this causes, an increasing number of services will accept any
> principal found in the system keytab.

How does a service figure out the local hostname? I have a feeling
that some daemons (e.g. sshd) don't look at `hostname` but use a PTR
record for the address of one of the interfaces. If there is no
reverse DNS, then a bummer, you can't use GSSAPI to ssh to the host.

For the present, I am not sure if the PTR record could be replaced by
an /etc/hosts entry on the server itself. I've had many irritating
cases of being unable to use GSSAPIAuthentication in sshd because of
incongruous DNS.

Victor Sudakov,  VAS4-RIPE, VAS47-RIPN
Kerberos mailing list 

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