On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 2:02 PM, Orion Poplawski <or...@cora.nwra.com> wrote:
> Matt Kinni <mkinni <at> calpoly.edu> writes:
>> Hello, I'm trying to get kerberized nfs working on Fedora 14 server/client.
>> Other kerberized services work properly, just not nfs.
>> : qword_eol: fflush failed: errno 38 (Function not implemented)
>> WARNING: error writing to downcall channel
>> /proc/net/rpc/auth.rpcsec.context/channel:
>> Function not implemented
> Did you ever figure this out?  I appear to be having the same problem.

I've very recently seen this as well.  This appears to be an issue
with clients with newer kernels, which support newer enctypes, talking
to servers with older kernels, which do not support newer enctypes.

I won't go into the details here, but a proper fix is in the works.

In the mean-time a work-around is to set

  default_tgs_enctypes = des-cbc-crc

in /etc/krb5.conf on the server machine.

(Or upgrade the server's kernel to a newer version which supports the
newer enctypes.)

Let me know if you continue to have problems!


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