Am 09.02.2012 02:35, schrieb Ken Dreyer:
> On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 12:43 PM, Raffael Sahli<>  
> wrote:
>> Hi
>> How can I convert a principal which was created with -x
>> dn="cn=myuser,dc=exam,dc=com" on a ldap backend
>> into a normal principal located under
>> I have to convert all my user principals to "normal" principals.
> I'm a newbie to using LDAP as the krb5 backend... but I am thinking
> that this may not be possible. From what I've seen you must have two
> LDAP DNs for each user. I'd be happy to be corrected, because it would
> certainly make things simpler.
you can use the -x switch to extend an existing LDAP entry with kerberos 
attributes. Example:

   kadmin> add_principal -x dn="cn=John Doe,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" 

To make that work you need to configure additional sub trees with e.g.:

   kdb5_ldap_util modify -D <LDAP Amin DN> -r EXAMPLE.COM -subtrees 

In this way you can produce unified LDAP entries with kerberos principal 
functionality. The initial question was how to separate those entries in 
two. I think this can only be done directly by LDAP operations: create 
new LDAP entries for each principal, delete the kerberos related 
attributes from the existing user entries and add them to the newly 
created kerberos principal entry. I did not check if that really works

Mark Pröhl
Kerberos mailing list 

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