> Did you add the line:
> myu...@example.com
> to the .k5login file for myuser on ssh-serv.etud.example.com?
> The assumption is foreign principals are not allowed to login by
> default. i.e. a local user in one realm is not the same as a local
> user in another realm.
> Also see the auth_to_local options in the krb5.conf file.

I didn't and that fixed my problems. I also added the auth_to_local
option in the krb5.conf so I don't have to manually add a lot
of .k5login files in /home directories. My [realms] section now is like
this as I only want one way cros-realm authentication :

        ETUD.EXAMPLE.COM = {
                default_domain  = etud.example.com
                auth_to_local   = RULE:[1:$1@$0](.*@EXAMPLE\.COM)s/@.*//
                auth_to_local   = DEFAULT
        DAUPHINE.FR = {
                default_domain  = example.com

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