Jan-Piet Mens <jpmens....@gmail.com> writes:

>> My next step is to create a puppet recipe to automatize all the
>> process and to packet-ize wallet so it is easier to install it.

> I, for one, would be interested in your Puppet solution once you have
> it. :)

Incidentally, here's the client-side receipe that we use with Puppet to
deploy keytabs or files from wallet.  This was written for 0.26 and is
still using our old coding style, so it could use considerable cleanup and
would be much simpler using Puppet 2.7 syntax (which I'll get around to
someday).  But it should give you the basic idea.

Requires the kstart package be installed as well as wallet, and
unfortunately you have to explicitly say in the resource if you're using
Heimdal due to the utter incompatibility between MIT and Heimdal in how
ktutil works.  (Incidentally, it would be helpful if MIT ktutil could
detect that it's being called like Heimdal's and error out instead of
going into interactive mode, as the latter has a tendency to hang
unsuspecting scripts that guess wrong.)

# Download objects via the wallet.  It assumes that proper settings have been
# put in /etc/krb5.conf and the ACLs on the objects are set up appropriately.
# Examples:
#     # Create primary keytab file (default is primary)
#     wallet { "service/adroit-gerbil": 
#         path    => "/etc/adroit/gerbil.keytab",
#         owner   => "leroy",
#         primary => true,
#         ensure  => present,
#     }
#     # Add another keytab to the above primary keytab
#     wallet { "service/adroit-gerbil-another": 
#         path    => "/etc/adroit/gerbil.keytab",
#         primary => false,
#         require => Wallet["service/adroit-gerbil"],
#         ensure  => present,
#     }
#     # Remove the keytab file
#     wallet { "service/funky-chicken": 
#         path   => "/etc/funky/chicken.keytab",
#         ensure => absent,
#     }
#     # Download a password file.
#     wallet { "unix-foobar-db-baz":
#         path => "/etc/foobar/password",
#         type => "file",
#     }

# These helper routines are broken out separately to reduce indentation, but
# shouldn't be called separately.  They're purely an implementation detail.

define wallet::keytab(
    $primary = true,
    $mode    = 600,
    $owner   = "root",
    $group   = "root",
    $heimdal = false
) {
    $wallet_opts = "-f '$path' get keytab '$name'" 
    exec { "wallet $wallet_opts":
        path    => "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/kerberos/bin",
        command => "${kstart_cmd} wallet ${wallet_opts}",
        unless  => $heimdal ? {
            true  => "/usr/sbin/ktutil -k '$path' list | grep -i -q '$name'",
            false => "klist -k '$path' | grep -i -q '$name'",
        require => [ Package["kstart"], Package["wallet-client"] ],
    case $primary {
        true, "true": {
            file { "$path":
                mode    => $mode,
                owner   => $owner,
                group   => $group,
                require => Exec["wallet $wallet_opts"],
        false, "false": { }
        default: {
            crit "Invalid value for primary: $primary (not true or false)"

define wallet::other(
    $mode   = 600,
    $owner  = "root",
    $group  = "root",
    $onlyif = "NONE"
) {
    $wallet_opts = "-f '$path' get '$type' '$name'"
    case $onlyif {
        "NONE": {
            exec { "wallet $wallet_opts":
                path    => "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/kerberos/bin",
                command => "${kstart_cmd} wallet ${wallet_opts}",
                creates => $path,
                require => [ Package["kstart"], Package["wallet-client"] ],
        default: {
            exec { "wallet $wallet_opts":
                path    => "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/kerberos/bin",
                command => "${kstart_cmd} wallet ${wallet_opts}",
                onlyif  => $onlyif,
                require => [ Package["kstart"], Package["wallet-client"] ],
    file { "$path":
        mode    => $mode,
        owner   => $owner,
        group   => $group,
        require => Exec["wallet $wallet_opts"],

define wallet(
    $auth_keytab    = "/etc/krb5.keytab",
    $auth_principal = "NA",
    $ensure         = "present",
    $owner          = "root",
    $group          = "root",
    $mode           = 600,
    $primary        = "true",
    $type           = "keytab",
    $onlyif         = "NONE",
    $heimdal        = false
) {
    case $auth_principal {
        "NA": { 
            $kstart_cmd = "k5start -Uqf '$auth_keytab' --" 
        default: { 
            $kstart_cmd = "k5start -qf '$auth_keytab' '$auth_principal' --" 

    case $ensure {
        "absent": {
            file { "$path": ensure => absent }
        "present": {
            case $type {
                "keytab": {
                    wallet::keytab { "$name":
                        kstart_cmd => $kstart_cmd,
                        path       => $path,
                        primary    => $primary,
                        mode       => $mode,
                        owner      => $owner,
                        group      => $group,
                        heimdal    => $heimdal,
                default: {
                    wallet::other { "$name":
                        kstart_cmd => $kstart_cmd,
                        path       => $path,
                        type       => $type,
                        mode       => $mode,
                        owner      => $owner,
                        group      => $group,
                        onlyif     => $onlyif,

Russ Allbery (r...@stanford.edu)             <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>
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