
i have a question about generating krbPrincipalKey and krbPrincipalName out of known passwords.

We use Novell Identity Manager, the Novell eDirectory is our central instance for identities.

I connected a OpenLDAP system to our eDirectory, as a destination system. I used a LDAP driver for this connection.

The userPasswords are transported using nspmDistributionPassword. So i have a SSHA hashed password in the destination system (OpenLDAP).

Now we want to use Kerberos on the OpenLDAP.

Did someone know how i can transfer the userPasswords i allready have to the needed attributes for Kerberos (krbPrincipalKey, krbPrincipalName)? During the creation process i have the chance to get the plaintext value out of nspmDistributionPassword. It would be great if i could do this within the driver at the moment the user will be created.
But i could use other methods as well.

I try to find a way using GSS-API or krb5 API, but i could not found one so far.

It would be great if someone could give me some hints.

Thanks a lot!

Kind regards,
Maike Lorenz
Rechenzentrum der Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet Jena
Am Johannisfriedhof 2
07743  Jena  /  Thueringen / Germany
Kerberos mailing list           Kerberos@mit.edu

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