
> Hope this isn't a silly question. Is there a command/tool that tells us
> which is the KDC for a particular realm ?

You’d normally guess that the realm name is a DNS name, as is suggested in 
manuals, and then look it up (no lowercase casting necessary, as DNS is 
agnostic to case).  You lookup the _kerberos TXT record for confirmation that 
it matches the realmname.

Note 1. Characters in TXT records are case-insensitive too, even if they are 
usually served in the same case as in the zone file; so any letter is 
interpreted as an uppercase, unless modified (I think there was a prefix char 
such as an underscore to map the next char to lowercase).  This is a bit silly 
because DNS names are not, and Kerberos realm names are case sensitive.  The 
common uppercase notation for realms is given the preferential notation without 

Note 2. This lookup is as reliable as your DNS; in other words, you probably 
want to ensure that DNSSEC is being used if what you are doing with the 
information could have any security implication.

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