On 04/05/2014 11:02 AM, Remi FERRAND wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Sorry for the spam if this list isn't the I should use to discuss about 
> remctl (http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/software/remctl/).
> At IN2P3 Computing Centre, we're starting to use remctl for everything that 
> requires privilege delegation (till now, this software seems perfect for what 
> we want).
> Anyway, the more we use it, the more we believe its default ACL bundle 
> ("file, princ, deny, pcre, regex" from the EPEL version) is missing something 
> related to *groups*.
> For instance, we'd like to be able to allow "Every member of team A" to 
> execute one command on a particular host.
> This way, we could allow "all members of a particular physic experiment" to 
> release their AFS volumes for instance.
> We were unable to find a simple way to do this with the current remctl ACL 
> methods, that's why we've submited a first patch 
> (https://github.com/rra/remctl/pull/1).
> This patch introduces a new ACL method named "unxgrp" and is still not merged 
> in master.
> It was an easy (and fast to write) answer to our problematic.
> For now, the default EPEL remctl package comes with "remctl server local 
> only" ACL scheme (ACL that only involves local remctl server resources).
> What we're trying to do here is to introduce ACL scheme (PTS or unxgrp) that 
> could use network based providers (and thus allow centralization and 
> factorization of ACLs).
> As we were writing this peace of code we thought that at CC-IN2P3 we are 
> using OpenAFS.
> AFS brings a PTS DB that could be used as a convenient way to distribute 
> groups.
> For instance with the PTS group above:
>>>> % pts mem remctl:testgrp -expand
>>>> Expanded Members of remctl:testgrp (id: -6556) are:
>>>>    user1
>>>>    user2
> we could be able to use the following ACL in remctl configuration file:
>>>> pts_group:remctl:testgrp
> to allow user1 and user2 to execute a command.
> Before any further development, we'd like to know if someone could be 
> interested in that feature ?
> Does someone think that we absolutely shouldn't do that ?
> If so we'll talk later of the implementation.
> More important for us, we'd like to know what Russ Allbery thinks about that 
> as he is the main developper of remctl.
> Thank you in advance for you answer.
> Thanks all for your answers and comments.
> Cheers

At our site, we made similar functionality by writing a script to 
generate a part of our remctl config based on the members of a PTS 
group. I look forward to being able to use this and removing one more 

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