
krb5-1.10.1 here.

My local man page for kinit (as well as
) has the following description of the kinit -R option:

-R: requests renewal of the ticket-granting ticket. Note that an
expired ticket cannot be renewed, even if the ticket is still within
its renewable life.

Does the comment "an expired ticket cannot be renewed" remain true,
and if so, can someone help me understand "expired" in this context?
If I have a ticket which has an "Expires" date-time (as reported by
klist) which is in the past, but a "renew until" date which is in the
future, I can successfully renew the ticket using kinit -R.  I see
this as renewal of an expired, but renewable and
within-renewable-period ticket.

Is that expected, and is the above comment now a doc-bug?

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