
I’ve been looking for ways of concealing principal names with Kerberos.  I 
think this
is of interest in relation to Internet-wide realm crossover with Kerberos.  The 
way I found are the anonymity mechanisms of RFC 6112, but that provides too 
information to the service to support any form of access control; it would be 
useful to have an intermediate level of concealment, based on pseudonyms, roles
and groups.  The service would be configured to permit sales@MYREALM and the
KDC for MYREALM would decide if rick@MYREALM can act as sales@MYREALM.

So, what I’ve been looking for is a mechanism to change the cname, possibly 
new password entry.  The client code would know how to request these new 
possibly differntiating for the various services contacted; I might be 
to one server, and helpdesk@MYREALM to another.  I am hoping to find a way to
modify software, but not the protocol; but that might be an unachievable ideal.

The practice of adding a slash and a second level could be helpful.  My initial 
TGT might
be rick@MYREALM and I could add a group TGT for rick/sales@MYREALM and, based
on that, request a service ticket that will be in the name of sales@MYREALM.  
Note how
the intermediate principal name rick/sales@MYREALM can be helpful in the 
of policies, and how the existence of this name establishing group membership, 
even for
internal use.  (Policy might of course require a password, for instance for 

I have investigated two angles, but neither seems to work:
 (1) change my client name; canonicalisation from RFC 6806 could help here, but 
     explicitly constrains canonicalization to AS exchanges.
 (2) one might request encrypting a TGT to another TGT, perhaps using RFC 4120’s
     additional-tickets field in KDC-REQ-BODY, along with the ENC-TKT-IN-SKEY 
     But as far as I can tell, this is not normally used with a newly requested 

So now I’m wondering…
 * Is this concealment of user names considered a good idea?
 * Am I correct that there libkrb5 and GSS-API do not support this?
 * Is the idea of going through user/role with KDC-enforced policy good?
 * Am I correct that there are no protocol elements for it yet?
 * Are the ideas under (1) and (2) above worth considering?


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