

Hello Kerberos Users:


Thanks for reading this - I have used Kerberos 4.1 without any problems for
several years on my Windows 10 corporate laptop.  I consult for an
organization - and use a laptop they gave me for work related to this


All of a sudden, the Kerberos Ticket Manager UI will not load.  Uninstalling
and re-installing Kerberos 4.1 doesn't solve the problem.  When I try to
start the Ticket Manager exe, nothing happens, ditto for the taskbar
shortcut, etc.  I've reached out for help within the company I consult for
(and that issued me the laptop) - but no one there has any suggestions as to
how to solve this problem.


Somehow, tickets are being issued when I boot up in the morning, as a
message box comes up saying that my previously issued ticket has expired.
After entering my corporate login info (UN and PW) I am issued another
ticket.  My problem is that I need to have more than one active ticket as I
need to use various accounts to access corporate assets.  To do this, I need
the UI - but I can't get it to load.


Any advice very much appreciated!


Thanks for considcering this, and best wishes,


Michael Martin


Michael Martin | Managing Partner

Business Information Arts, Inc.

 <mailto:mich...@informationarts.ca> mich...@informationarts.ca





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