On Thu, 11 Apr 2024 at 16:43, Philippe de Rochambeau <phi...@free.fr> wrote:
> Hello,
> Let's say a user has the following rights on HDFS (which are constrained 
> Apache Ranger):
> /prd/a/b/c <- read right
> /prd/a/b/d <- read/write right
> I would like to get a broad picture of  his/her complete access rights.
> I could look at the general policies in Apache Ranger and try to figure out 
> which apply to my user, but that's complicated.
> I wonder if there is another way (which ideally could be automated with a 
> script) roughly:
> - impersonate the user as, say, admin, with kinit; e.g. kinit <user>

I don't think this is what is considered "impersonating" the user.
If you authenticate with kinit <user> you are not impersonating that
user, you ARE/BECOME that user.

> - scan all HDFS directories and try to read or write
> Does anyone have suggestions?
> PS I've asked similar questions on the Apache Ranger mailing list, but with 
> no success.
> Many thanks.
> Philippe
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