On Monday, October 11, 2010, zz zzzzzzzzzzzzz wrote:
> Test results 9-11 October 2010 file tmp.pm_test.txt
> linux-source-2.6.34_2.6.34-1~experimental.2_all.deb
> Devices = pm_test    fail/pass 0/10
> Platform = pm_test   fail/pass 0/10
> Processors = pm_test fail/pass 2*/10 [1][2]
> Core = pm_test       fail/pass 3/2 [3][4][5]
> [1] Long delay around 112 sec, system came back apparently fully
> operational. On next test, instant error message, I *think* related to
> access to disks, then returned to gnome scr$
> [2] Long delay around 112 sec, system came back apparently fully
> operational. Checked and found one mdadm raid5 disc degraded.
> Rebooted. Told mdadm to add the partition back into $
> * This may underestime the number of failures. If in doubt about
> success, I rebooted the system. Even so, sometime in this process one
> of my mdadm partitions got kicked from its r$
> [3] Long delay 120 sec, system restored screed, no keyboard or mouse
> activity, flashing caps lock. reset (reboot)
> [4] Long delay around 112 sec, system came back apparently fully
> operational. Checked and found one mdadm raid5 partition degraded.
> Rebooted. Told mdadm to add the partition back $
> [5] long delay around 120 sec, black screen, no keyboard, no mouse,
> reset (reboot). Checked and found two mdadm raid5 partitions degraded.
> Told mdadm to add the partitions back in$

Does it mean the problem also happens for the 2.6.34.y kernels before

> Processors = pm_test fail/pass 4/10 [1][2][3][4][5]
> Devices = pm_test    fail/pass 0/10
> Platform = pm_test   fail/pass 0/10
> [1] Long delay around 60 sec, partial restore, keyboard active, then
> system locked up, reset (reboot) needed
> [2] Long delay around 60 sec , screen restored locked up, reset (reboot) 
> needed
> [3] instant failure to hibernate, system operational, terminal message
> "bash: echo: write error: Input/output error"
> [4] Long delay around 60 sec, black screen locked up, flashing caps
> lock, reset (reboot) needed
> [5] 15 sec delay (normal) with message "ata1 SRST failed (errorno=-16)
> then lockup, reset (reboot) needed.
> Processors = pm_test fail/pass 3/0 [1][2][3]
> platform = pm_test   fail/pass 0/3
> [1][2][3] Hard lockup after about 12 secs. Caps lock flashing, black
> screen, no keyboard response. Reset (reboot)

Thanks for the update.

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