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2011/5/2 Ezequiel García <elezegar...@yahoo.com.ar>
> Greetings,
> After reading Linux Kernel in a Nutshell (by the way, great book), I now have 
> my own kernel configured for my hardware needs.
> However, I have some really strange behavior. On tty1, the same tty that 
> launches X11, I have to press twice each keyboard key. Anyone has any idea 
> what's going on? I am using a customized Debian Squeeze + OpenBox.
> Thanks in advance, and thanks Greg for writing the book.
> Ezequiel.

Hi Ezequiel

I'm new on this list as well but I don't think anyone will be able to
help you with the limited info that you have provided.
When you say you have a kernel configured for your hardware, did you:

A) Download the kernel from http://www.kernel.org/ ? In that case you
need to tell us which version you're using.
B) Get the kernel from git a git tree http://git.kernel.org/? We still
need to know exactly which version
C) Recompile your debian kernel? (2.6.32?)

If this bug is present with only a change in kernel config, it would
be interesting to see the difference between the working and broken

I hope that helps,

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