
On Die, 2011-05-31 at 14:12 +0700, Mulyadi Santosa wrote:
> I came with these questions for Linus, hope you're kind enough to
> collect it and forward it to Linus in LinuxCon:

Well, just reads the announcement thread and you will find the answers

> 1. When will Linux 2.8.x start? and what are the plans regarding the
> development model? do we back in dual 2.4.x/2.5x era? personally I

Perhaps we should fall back to the waterfall model from the early 70s?!
SCNR ....

> think that model is nice.... makes one really know which tree to
> follow when he needs stable one, or the devel one...

It is now much simpler - all are stable. Alas, as with all man made
stuff, some are more stable than others.

Bernd Petrovitsch                  Email : be...@petrovitsch.priv.at
                     LUGA : http://www.luga.at

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