
On Mit, 2011-07-27 at 12:31 -0400, Rodger Swann wrote:
> I have to use rpmbuild to build my kernel.   I also have to apply 
> patches and replace source code in the kernel source tree.   I have 
> figured out how to patch the files that I need patched by adding   Patch 
> blah and then AppyPatch in the spec file.  I then created a sym link to 
> the patch file in the rpmbuild SOURCES directory.
> Now on to replacing the code in the source tree.  I have tried 
> untaring/unzipping the kernel source , putting in my source and 
> retarring and zipping, I have tried symlinking it, etc.  But each time 
> the build directory contains source code that is not the code that is 
> what I inserted and it is not clear to me where it is coming from.   I 

Apart from thing, that that is more of an rpmbuild than kernel problem:
The build directory (the one under */BUILD) is every time created from
scratch (unless some options are used).
In the .spec file, you have sources - usually a tar.gz - which gets
extracted by some command in the .spec file.
And than, the patches are applied as listed with the %patch line.

You should actually see in the shell, what the .spec file is actually

> am fairly frustrated so if anyway has encountered this or knows how to 
> do it I would appreciate the help.    Spoon feeding is not required a I 
> will gladly rtfm but I will need a nudge in the right direction.

Bernd Petrovitsch                  Email : be...@petrovitsch.priv.at
                     LUGA : http://www.luga.at

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