If you already have a source rpm, rather use rpmbuild to automatically
apply patches and build rpm. When you install the source rpm, it will
create a directory hierarchy in your home directory something like this:

SOURCES will hold the tar ball and SPEC holds rpm specification file, which
is the main file used for building rpm use this file and feed it to
rpmbuild command.

# rpmbuild -ba <spec file>

Also refer to maximum rpm, the ultimate reference about rpms:
http://www.rpm.org/max-rpm/. I bet you will get everything you need to know
about rpm here.


On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 12:55 PM, K Arun Kumar <ziconiu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, 2012-09-28 at 12:45 +0530, Rahul Bedarkar wrote:
> > Can you write command here, how you have applied patches ?
> >
> I went into the extracted tarball and tried applying patches one after
> another like this -
>   patch -p1 < ../<patchname>
> > Packages (.deb, .rpm and others) meant to build and installed
> automatically.
> >
> > You can build and install it by following command
> >
> > $sudo rpm -i <package-name>
> I am just interested in fully-patched source I want to compile and
> install it myself without any rpm tools - more clearly -
> I want to -
> (1) extract the source tarball available with the rpm package
> (2) patch this source with all the packages available in the rpm package
> (3) configure , build and install this source at *custom* location
> ** I do not want to use any rpm tools for this **
> > On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 11:51 AM, K Arun Kumar <ziconiu...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > > I have a rpm for a module  which I extracted like -
> > > rpm2cpio numactl-2.0.7-3.el6.src.rpm | cpio -idmv
> > >
> > > then I extracted the source like -
> > > tar -xzvf numactl-2.0.7-3.tar.gz
> > >
> > > then I tried to apply all the patches to available with
> > > this rpm to the extracted source which results in Hunks and
> > > rejections.
> > >
> > > I want to apply all patches and compile the source and get
> > > an exe. I am not much aware of the rpm build procedure
> > >
> > > I want to do similar thing to kernel source also
> > >
> > > Please help me...
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > > Arun
> > >
> Thanks,
> Arun
> > >
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