On Tue, 30 Apr 2013 21:17:44 +1000, Sven Dowideit said:

> I was browsing around and noticed that the wiki mentions the oftc
> #kernelnewbies group, which doesn't appear to be active at the moment.
> Assuming I'm correct, I'd like to update things like that - could I be
> added to the editor's list?

At the moment, there's 219 people in there, including several fairly
well-known kernel hackers. Wander by - just remember that most of us
have day jobs and it may take 10-15 minutes for us to notice a question.

Oh, and read http://www.catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html first - in
particular, I estimate that somewhere north of 80% of people have questions
of the form "I can't get API A to do X" - when it turns out that the
problem they're trying to solve by using A to do X is better addressed
by using API B to do Y instead.

(And we reserve the right to mock your professor mercilessly if he's assigned
a stupid project that's against basic Linux design principles ;)

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