Hi guys,

I am working on a hack which requires me to find all the processes
using a particular memory address. Lets say I get an MCE error
containing a memory address. I want to use this address to find all
the processes that might access it, and kill them before they do.
Please let me know if this is possible using some already implemented

I can think of a brute force method of looping though all the
processes and looking at the VMAs they are using to see if there is a
match for the address I have. But I want to do better than this brute
force method. Please let me know if this is possible.

Also, while looking for the same in Kernel tree, I found that it is
easy to do the reverse mapping i.e. finding the memory addresses a
process is using given the process, but this doesn't help with what I
intend to do.

Thanks and regards,

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