On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 1:56 PM,  <valdis.kletni...@vt.edu> wrote:
> The trick to remember is that you probably don't want to use the ramdisk
> as the permanent host, so...
> 1) Setup your git tree on permanent storage
> 2) Set up your ramdisk
> 3) cd /my/source/tree
> 4) tar -c --exclude=.git -f - . | (cd /mnt/ramdisk && tar -xvf -)
> then cd /mnt/ramdisk and start building.  Remember if you make changes to
> copy them back to /my/source/tree :)
> (The --exclude=.git will avoid copying about 900M onto the ramdisk.  Skip that
> if you need the git history on the ramdisk for doing a bisect or similar)

Thanks Valdis for the instructions.

So I tried the following to mount a tmpfs

$ sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=2000m tmpfs ./ramlinux/
$ tar -c --exclude=.git -f - . | (cd ~/ramlinux && tar -xvf -)

And it works fine. I am not sure if tmpfs has any advantages over ramdisk.


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