
On 10-07-2014 11:12, shhuiw wrote:
> Hi,
> How about setting /proc/sys/vm/min_free_kbytes to small values, e.g 128?
> And what's the output on other workable system?
Tried changing min_free_kbytes, with this change, application comes up 
but dies a little later while allocating memory later.

Output on the work-able system is as follows:
Node 0, zone Normal 2974 3405 2898 2237 1671 1021 462 164 23 2 0
Node 0, zone Normal 2878 3384 2898 2237 1671 1021 462 164 23 2 0
Node 0, zone Normal 2827 3365 2898 2237 1671 1021 462 164 23 2 0
Node 0, zone Normal 2899 3358 2899 2237 1671 1021 462 164 23 2 0
Node 0, zone Normal 2930 3363 2899 2237 1671 1021 462 164 23 2 0
Node 0, zone Normal 2897 3362 2898 2236 1672 1021 462 164 23 2 0
Node 0, zone Normal 2860 3329 2898 2236 1672 1021 462 164 23 2 0
Node 0, zone Normal 2831 3327 2883 2236 1672 1021 462 164 23 2 0
Node 0, zone Normal 2869 3330 2872 2236 1672 1021 462 164 23 2 0
Node 0, zone Normal 2869 3331 2874 2236 1672 1021 462 164 23 2 0
Node 0, zone Normal 2844 3328 2872 2236 1672 1021 462 164 23 2 0
Node 0, zone Normal 2896 3332 2872 2236 1672 1021 462 164 23 2 0
Node 0, zone Normal 2859 3336 2872 2236 1672 1021 462 164 23 2 0
Node 0, zone Normal 283 208 132 77 46 816 462 164 23 0 0
Node 0, zone Normal 295 204 132 77 46 21 31 163 23 0 0
Node 0, zone Normal 280 204 132 77 45 21 31 163 23 0 0
Node 0, zone Normal 372 213 135 79 46 20 31 163 23 0 0
Node 0, zone Normal 273 205 133 78 46 21 32 164 22 0 0
Node 0, zone Normal 336 210 133 79 47 21 30 164 22 0 0

Here we clearly see that once the number's for power-0 comes down, the 
numbers for power-1 and so on, decreases but that does not happen on the 
other system.


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