> On 04-Jul-2016, at 2:30 pm, Gnoleba GNOGBO <gnognol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi !
> I had read a lot of book and link about initialization of the boot starting 
> of linux.
> I read that , after the post by the bios the mbr is loaded in memory which 
> routine load this sector ?

This is architecture specific and is done by BIOS.

> In this sector  of 512 bytes we have 440 bytes for a routine what is the 
> function of this routine ?

Actually its 446 bytes. These are executable code.

16bytes per partition * 4 = 64bytes + (0xAA55) 2 bytes for MBR Marker = 66bytes

512 - 66 = 446 bytes

> When this routine is executed ?

Just after POST. Done by BIOS.

> The 2 bytes with 0xAA55 what is its function ?

Its denotes that the sector is executable. Can also be seen as Marker.

> Who load it in memory ? And the all book i had read said the mbr load the 
> loader grub How ? And the grub launch the kernel, ok . How this grub is load 
> ? By which programm ? 
> So, i would like that someone give me the names of routines, the order of 
> their launching and which load or execute what until the grub exécution ?

I would suggest work it floppy on qemu/bochs first to understand then gradually 
move on to partition tables and boot loaders. 

Read “Understanding the linux kernel” - System Startup chapter for thorough 


> Thank you for your help.
> Greg i am waiting a lot from you !
> Best regards
> Gnoleba GNOGBO
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