On Tue, 05 Jun 2018 10:20:16 -0400, Hugo Lefeuvre said:

> Thanks. I think I'll have to read the source code to fully understand
> what happens. Do you know what piece of code handles this reference
> duplication ?

It's not duplication, it's increment/decrement of a counter.

Look for functions  with 'get' and 'put' in their names.

> As a conclusion we can assume that ioctl and release never run
> concurrently, and as such the lock introduced in my patch is useless.

Well, they *shouldn't* do so.  What the code actually does, however....

> Concerning the TODO at line 876, I think I've misunderstood it. I'll
> think a bit more about it and come back with an updated patch later.

I haven't looked at the code - there's an outside chance that the driver
isn't doing reference counting correctly.

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