On Thu, 03 Oct 2019 16:09:28 -0600, Manuel Quintero Fonseca said:
> Thank you all for answering, my question is, if I want to do a phD
> that has to do with the Linux kernel, it will be more difficult to be
> accepted at a university, where they do not have lines of research on
> Linux, those where they openly have research on The Linux kernel

Getting accepted into a university's PhD program, and getting a thesis
project approved, are two very different things.

And you still have to figure out if you wanted to do research specifically
on the Linux kernel itself, or your topic of interest is something else and
Linux is just a useful tool.

For example:  Using Linux as a basis for testing new ideas in virtual memory
management is different from a project studying the Linux memory manager.
And since a PhD thesis is supposed to be new original research, you'll have
a lot easier time selling a "new ideas in virtual memory management" thesis
than "studying existing code" thesis....

So what is it *exactly* that you wanted to do a thesis on?

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