On Tue, 14 Jul 2020 07:54:04 +0800, carver said:
> Hello,
> Macro *compute_indices* in arch/arm64/kernel/head.S have a comment
> as shown below:
>       mov     \istart, \ptrs
>       mul     \istart, \istart, \count
>       add     \iend, \iend, \istart   // iend += (count - 1) * ptrs
> I am wondering whether this comment should be change to
> "iend += count * ptrs".

Examine the uses of the macro, and see where they expect the result
to be pointing if there is exactly one entry. (Hint - what's the address of
the first entry of a C array, and what's the next location after the array,
and how would the corresponding C code for iterating across the array
have as the termination condition?)

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