On February 5, 2021 7:00:50 AM UTC, Abhijit Paul <coder.abhiji...@gmail.com> 
>Dear Sir,
>I am Abhijit Paul and I am from India. I study in high school.I want
>to *contribute
>*to the Linux Kernel to become a *Linux Kernel Engineer*. But I don't know
>what to learn. I know the *C/C++* programming language. Do I need to learn
>about operating systems and how they work?
>Please can you tell me *what to learn to contribute in Linux Kernel*.

The basic C/C++ you've learned is necessary but in OS Dev things are bit 
different I would suggest you to look around https://kernelnewbies.org/ 
https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/ and try to get a sense of things. I 
would also suggest you to take a look at https://wiki.osdev.org/ this isn't a 
Linux kernel specific thing but you can learn a lot from here. Most important 
thing is don't get overwhelmed by the source code of Linux try to focus on one 
struct, function or something like that and try to unravel it from there 
instead of trying to read every word from 

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