On Thu, May 06, 2021 at 01:58:35PM +0300, Constantine Shulyupin wrote:
> Dear Linux kernel documentation writers and readers:
> Writing Linux documentation is a huge complex collaborative process.
> To make it better I invite you to contribute to
> https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/The_Linux_Kernel

There are some wiki's that are available at *.wiki.kernel.org.  For
example, ext4.wiki.kernel.org.  We've largely abandoned it, in favor
of using Documentation in the kernel sources, because if you leave it
"updated by anyone", unless you have people constantly watching for
spam or trash updates which have to be reverted, it quickly becomes a
mess.  Or you can keep tight control over who you give accounts to,
but then it doesn't get updated all that often.

Keeping the documentation in sync with the kernel sources means it's
much more likely for the documentation to be updated when the kernel
is updated, and so for example we've migrated:




with the sources available at:


... and been much happier with the result.


                                        - Ted

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