On 13:40 Sun 20 Apr     , Henrik Austad wrote:
> On Saturday 19 April 2008 08:21:19 Michael Blizek wrote:
> > There is a list on: http://kernelnewbies.org/KernelProjects
> Maybe some should have a look through and see if any of these are outdated? 
> At 
> least the balance raid-1 read seems to be  fixed.

Yes it seems so. There are some other items which seem "interesting" as well:

> /FasterRebuild2 
> Increase speed for a build which updates a single file

> Increase speed for a build wich updates a single file 
> We often edit a single file and then do a build. And the result is that we
> spend 80% of the time linking the kernel. So an obvious improvement for the
> kernel community would be to improve the speed of the linker (and decrease
> memory footprint).

What about http://lwn.net/Articles/274212/ ?

> Asynchronous System Calls

> The other issue with the current asynchronous APIs is that it is very
> difficult to use. Going to a queue based asynchronous api with a
> "select()"able method of managing the results will provide a more stable
> programming environment. In effect, somthing similar to epoll may do the
> trick.

Signalfd (see http://lwn.net/Articles/225714/ ) probably solves this

> /CorrectnessProofs 
> Proof that caching/buffering/transactions/syncs are handled correctly.

How could anybody ever prove this?

> /SelfOptimizingBlockDevice
> Self-optimizing read-write block devices

> There should be a mechanism that rearranges logical data blocks on the
> physical block device according to access patterns: 
> Statistically evaluate access patterns. 
> Rearrange blocks on the physical block device to optimize disk accesses. 
> If there is enough free space on the physical device, one could even
> duplicate blocks to support multiple access patterns. 
> To be more explicit: this is not a defragmentation mechanism. It goes even
> further than that: in some situations it even fragments files in order to 
> improve performance.

Any write access will change the disk and result in outdated statistics. It 
might be more interesting on the file system layer.
programing a layer 3+4 network protocol for mesh networks
see http://michaelblizek.homelinux.net

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