On Die, 2008-06-17 at 17:28 +0530, Rahul Ramasubramanian wrote:
> i have decided to take a round about way... i am implementing a parser
> which reads the header files (/only th e external headers) and

At the very least, you need to do it after the preprocessor stage as in
theory one can construct exported function names with the preprocessor.
And then you probably pull half of the C library declarations in.

>  extracts all the function delrations in them. it then dumps the name
> of the functions in a files. comparing this to the output of a readelf
> command with appropriate greps will give me a set of symbols which are
> exported but not in external headers,  and thus not defined by the
> system . please tellme iof thsi idea is correct ??

With that approach you do not find functions which have no function
prototype in an header files are not static. These are also exported (at
least technically).

[ Fullquote deleted ]

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