On Monday 20 October 2008 14:15:25 asammoud asammoud wrote:
> Hello every one ,
> I'm new to kernel development , and i want to know if i can make a kernel
> module that connects to
>  the internet and allow users to login and execute commands,

What do you mean 'connect to the Internet'? Normally, it is entities from the 
gray substance we call the Internet that connects to *you*.

> What i want to know is :
>  How can i check for users login from kernel space , And can i use the
> login program in the kernel space ?
> and if there's any other way of doing this .

I'm a bit confused. First part sounds like a normal login-shell, the second 
part sounds like you want to 'log in to the kernel'. I assume the latter, as 
the first has several implementations already.

This is not doable in several different ways.

First off, 'connecting to the internet'. Even though the kernel handles all 
the network traffic and the state of the TCP/IP stack is altered by this 
traffic, it is not directly affected by it. It merely handles the traffic and 
passes it along.

Secondly, you want to authenticate users, and this is typically a user-space 
application job. Note that the kernel does not include any user space 
libraries (like libc with friends).  So how should users connect and authN in 
the first place - you would have to implement all of that yourself.

Thirdly, and IMHO most important: this is *wrong*. You want to enable 'anyone' 
from the Internet to execute code _in_kernel_space_ remotely on a given 

A large, no, a *huge* red alarmbell should go off, with bells and whistles
> Thank you in advance
> sorry for any trouble

sorry for the rather grumpy answer :)

mvh Henrik Austad

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