thanks a lot to all of you ...

On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 12:44 PM, Rajath N R <> wrote:

> Hi,
> i have a doubt regarding linking of libraries in c program
>> lets say i have a hello.c C program and hello is executable file
>> correspoding to this.
>> i read that if libraries are linked dynamically then size of executable
>> file hello is smaller as compared to the size of executable if libararies
>> are linked statically .
> it wd be kind if you accept this ques and answer it
> hi all i know its not directly related to kernel ...but its the doubt i got
> while kernel programming only ..its in c langugage
>       Yeah your right. static libraries linked at compile-time and
> external functions and variables which are resolved at compile-time. where
> as dynamic libraries are loaded at run-time with dlopen() system call.
>    *dlopen()*  :subroutine is used to open a shared object, and
> dynamically map it into the running programs address space.
>    *dlsym()*   : routine to search for symbols in the loaded shared
> object.
>> *dlclose() *: subroutine is used to remove access to a shared object that
>> was loaded into the processes' address space
>                 with the dlopen subroutine.
>> in my opinion that means that in case of dynamic linked library hello does
>> not contain libraries with it it is just linked with them.
>> may be hello contain references to symbols ...where they are present in
>> linked libraries.
>>   dlsym() obtain the address of a symbol defined in dynamic library .
>> now suppose i transfer this hello file to some other machine but same
>> platform which doesnt contain these libraries ....will it work there ?
>> i hope it shd not
>     No it will not work. dlopen will fail.
>> but i have heard ppl say that executable file is complete in itself and it
>> works taken anywhere on same platform.
>> pl clarify ..
>> where i m wrong i know there is some fault in my understanding of linking
>> concept but unable to clarify it from google...
>> --
>> Thanks & Regards
>> Nidhi
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> Thanks & Regards,
> Rajath N R

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