
On Mon, 2008-12-29 at 01:49 +0530, Shyam Burkule wrote:
>        In windows basic execution unit is thread, and Linux does not
> differentiate between thread and process( I mean Linux doesn't give

It does as there exists various thread implementations. For "tasks",
read another mail in this thread.

>  special treatment for thread essentially they are normal process
> except they share some resource with other process).   If I use fork

All threads (within the same process) share the same memory and file
descriptors table (and perhaps more).
I see no difference between Win and Linux (or *BSD).

>  to create process, does it create thread that run in the same thread
> group as parent run or does it create another standalone process?

What is a "thread group"?
fork(2) creates a new process - read: it creates new memory maps which
are copy-on-write-references to the ones of the parent are - and it
starts the first "thread" in that process.
CreateProcess() does basically the same (IMMSC - it's > 10 years that I
programmed WinNT-3.5).

> Fork system call is equivalent to clone(SIGCHLD,0, so I think fork
> create new standalone process.

It does.

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