On 20:00 Fri 02 Jan     , niamathullah sharief wrote:
> Thanks alexanderafter i install my webcam in the USB port i saw the below 
> modules are installed
> zc0301                 
> compat_ioctl32          
> gspca                 
> videodev               
> v4l2_common            
> v4l1_compat...Here gspca is a generic driver for all webcam...i saw that the 
> "Zc0301" also loaded and this "gspca" also loaded...why it happens?and can 
> you tell me what are all the uses os all this modules...why it all installed 
> after i inserted mt webcam..sorry..cause i am novice....

You have already asked here about symbol tables and modules
dependencies. If, say zc0301, requires a function from v4l2_common,
modprobe will load v4l2_common as well.

gspca is not a generic drivers, AFAIK it's just a supporting layer for
a group of similar webcams. It's surprising for me why gspca is loaded.

I'm not so familiar with V4L2 internals and I can't exactly tell you
what are v4l2_common and videodev for. But v4l1_compat is obviously a
compatibility layer (I've already mentioned it) for userspace programs
that don't support V4L2, but only support V4L (a previous version).


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