On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 8:50 PM, Greg Freemyer <greg.freem...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 3:49 AM, Sandeep K Sinha
> <sandeepksi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Help us with the benchmarking ?
> My first question would be: Why are you benchmarking at all?

A few lines from one of previous mails.

"Suspiciously fast.  At first glance I don't trust your benchmarking
methodology.  Or are you using a ramdisk for both of your tiers?"

This made think of something like that.

> I can see a basic benchmark just to prove you are actually moving data
> in a reasonably efficient way.
> Disk drives are notoriously slow, so once you hit 100% of max
> throughput a simple benchmark is rather pointless.  Unless you are
> tuning your block allocation code to try and create defrag-ed files.
> I assume that functionality is down the road.

Yes, this can done at some later point in time. Which we intend to
offer as a optional feature to the user, handled through a switch.

> SSDs may be faster the HDD, but to go really fast you will need to
> have both the original tier and the destination tier on SSD.  (You can
> just partition one in half I assume.)
> But the only production SSD that is fast to randomly write that I am
> aware of is the Intel line.  Is that what you are testing with?
> If not, do you believe your destination blocks are defragged?  Come to
> think of it, I don't even know what defrag means on a SSD?  Given
> there is a mapping layer, how would one even try to do it?

Sorry, a small correction, it wasn't SSD, it was a MTD device.

> Anyway the most important benchmark would be to simply assure you are
> maxing out the theoretical max of the storage devices you are testing
> with.

Yes this is required for sure.

> Have you done that yet?
> FYI: A simple userspace dd can effectively do that in most cases.  So
> that gives you a quick and dirty reference.  If you are not at least
> as fast as userspace, you have broken code.  if you are 2x faster than
> user space, I would be very suspicious you also have broken code.  Or
> at least a broken benchmark.

Will provide you this comparative figure in some time. Its on the way.

> To me once you get that basic benchmark achieved, functional testing
> would a much higher priority than benchmarking.

> Greg
> --
> Greg Freemyer
> Litigation Triage Solutions Specialist
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/gregfreemyer
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> http://www.norcrossgroup.com/forms/whitepapers/99%20Days%20whitepaper.pdf
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