On Tue, 2009-02-24 at 20:24 +0800, Nelson Castillo wrote:
> Hi there.
> Is there a strlen-like function for pointers? I have this code:
> struct ts_filter_api **api_r = api;
> int count = 0;
> /* find out how many filters we need to create */
> while (*api_r) {
>   count++;
>   api_r++;
> }
> and I would like to have it replaced with
> ptrlen(api);

Nobody stops you from creating such a function just for your
I don't have numbers but if there is frequent use of such a function,
people will probably store (and update) the count somewhere to avoid the
frequent loops.
And if that is not used often, probably almost no one needs it.

> If it doesn't exist -- do you see something that could go wrong with a
> ptrlen function? Would upstream like it?

There is only one possibility: Just try and propose it. Create such a
function for your part, send a patch and plain simply ask if people feel
that the function should move to the lib/ directory (or whereever).

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