I have a foot pedal that is implemented as a USB HID device, and it sends
one input: in binary, 0001, 0010, or 0100 corresponds to each pedal,
respectively; combination of pedal presses sends combination of those binary
number, and releases of pedal trigger input of whatever pedal still being
pressed (if all pedal is up, 0000 is sent). My intention is to have the
pedal buttons behave as normal keyboard keys (ctrl, alt, and pgdn).

I've read many writeup on related topics, some of them a few years old, and
I'm still confused as to where to start: do I need to patch the kernel?
write a driver translate the input to keycode? do both? I would really
appreciate a pointer to some tutorials on how to get started and example
codes if there are any.

Many thanks,

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