Hello again,

Thank you very much for all your help with kernel threads, I have now
developed a couple of test modules which use them and feel like I start to
understand them. However, there is one thing I have yet to figure out how to
solve "properly".

I am working on a module that communicates with userspace using Netlink in a
separate thread. The way I have designed the module I want to use a blocking
call (skb_recv_datagram) to receive the packets. The problem comes when I
want to kill this thread. Currently, I signal it using send_sig, but
compared to the kthread_*-functions this seems a bit "dirty". 

My questions are:

- Is it ok to kill a thread using signals?
- After reading up on kthread_stop, I now see that it does not send a
signal. Are there any other kthread_* or similar functions which does this,
or will at least unblock the thread?
- Are there any other, recommended ways of killing threads containing
blocking calls?

Thanks for any help,

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