---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Harshavardhan <harsh...@gmail.com>
Date: 2010/1/22
Subject: Re: Problem with headphones
To: Xiangfu Liu <xian...@sharism.cc>

I am using desktop. And my headphones work perfectly fine on the other
versions of the kernel. It doesnt work on the kernel that I compiled
recently, thats why I am asking that is there any chance that I could have
missed something while compiling the kernel itself or is there anything else
that could cause this problem.

I am currently using Ubuntu 9.10 distro

2010/1/22 Xiangfu Liu <xian...@sharism.cc>

> you dont said what computer you use?  laptop or??
> Mulyadi Santosa wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 9:49 PM, Harshavardhan <harsh...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Yesterday I compiled the kernel Now its up and running, but the
>>> problem now I am facing is that when I insert my headphones into the
>>> jack, I
>>> am not able to hear any sound from them, but my speakers are working
>>> perfectly fine!
>> check using alsamixer whether your mic output is muted or not. Also
>> check the volume level.
>> ANyway, I think it's a bit OOT. So maybe, you should ask to your
>> distro mailing list or ALSA/PulseAudio one



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