
On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 2:06 PM, waqar afridi <afridi.wa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Every One
> This is my First mail to this community, so dont know much about the Rules
> and Regulations.

Don't worry, most people here are friendly :) They won't kick your
butt just because you're asking too much or too hard. Most likely,
you'll be ignored if your question is either OOT or nobody knows the
answer :)

> I want the Definition of "user_path_walk()" function, If any one had, Please
> send it and if not, can any one tell me where could I find it.

Hmm, strange, online code explorer at lxr.linux.no (specificly,  the
one which indexes 2.6.32) can not find such function. Which kernel
function do you refer, anyway?

However, just guessing, perhaps that function took a complete path as
its parameter and returns the related inode that corresponds to it?
And maybe...it is named "walk" because the functions iterates it from
root directory down to the directory which owns the file. Of course,
as always, inode and dentry cache are looked up first.


Mulyadi Santosa
Freelance Linux trainer and consultant

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