Srdjan Todorovic <> wrote:
:Have you tried:
:  1) Compiling in SATA and IDE support (but not IDE and ATA at the same time?)
:  2) Remove generic IDE support (I think I had problems with this
:where the generic IDE driver took over hardware and then didn't quite
:know how to handle the Nvidia controller)
:If I get a chance, I'll have to take a closer look at your logs again tonight.

(This is just an update, I'm continuing to work on this in spare moments.)

Thanks for the suggestions: I think they've got me further.

I tried to reconfigure without IDE_GENERIC, rebooted with no special
boot parameters, and it came up fine. However when I looked more carefully
I found IDE_GENERIC was actually still on (I think some driver had selected
it), and the only actual change was:

(Is there a way to force a config option off, so that if some other option
tries to select it the config process will stop and complain? That would
greatly reduce the effort involved in some of these changes.)

I haven't yet had a successful .25 boot - I've been trying to further reduce
the differences between my .24 and .25 configs, by turning off EXPERIMENTAL
in .24. Now it remaps the drives differently once more: the two hard disks
are now sda and sdb, and the CD drive seems to have vanished. So I now have
3 different versions of /etc/fstab, and am trying to remember to switch in
the right one before each reboot - not ideal, but with luck I'll eventually
have a couple of stable kernels and just one fstab.

I suspect the remap is actually a move in the right direction, since it
suggests (if I understand correctly) that it is using the SATA driver for
both hard disks.

I feel like I should be able to get a working .25 with a little more effort.
I wonder what new delights .26 will bring. :)


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