
[comments inline]

On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 7:10 PM, Manish Katiyar <mkati...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 6:02 PM, nidhi mittal hada
> <nidhimitta...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> yes
>> when i get unhinting errors -- i guessed something , changed a few params in
>> .config and did make make modules so on
>> but again same errors .
>> finally
>> i copied earlier running kernel's .config into this ...didnot do make
>> menuconfig at all
>> and in .config changed my required parameter of ext4 to be build as module.
>> that's all
>> now make , make modules , make modules_install , make install and
>> it worked well
>> now my ques is ...is it right what i am doing ...
>> if not how to know correct parameter of .config
>> isnt there some
>> make <some>config   instead of menuconfig
>> which prepares correct .config file seeing hardware requirement on my pc or
>> working kernel's .config file ...
> make oldconfig
> make help

Though Manish has already shown the right way, just wanted to add
something hoping it might be helpful.

The '.config' file holds the macros/configuration-parameters which are
used by the kernel make process to compile (in the kernel or as
module) or not-compile parts of the kernel. When you copy the old
.config to the new sources (and it really doesn't matter where your
sources are placed), you simply are playing safe by stating the new
kernel's build process should _atleast_ build the features which
worked earlier.

When you receive a new kernel, it is possible that new features have
been added in it which you may or may not need. You need to carefully
go through the config (menuconfig, xconfig etc) to know what to select
and what not to.

And, a pure vanilla kernel may not have some modules/code-part
compiled by default which were incidentally included in your old

Hope this helps!



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