
First thing you need to learn is not to Top Post.  I'll let you
research it, but it is basically taboo on lkml lists, so you will get
flamed if you do it on one of the official lists.

My answers below:

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 1:49 AM, Onkar Mahajan <kern.de...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Greg,
>       My intention is to learn to write a SATA driver with the hardware
> that I have. I have a SATA hard drive from Western Digital (MDL :
> WD800JD-75MSAS)
> and SATA controller (Intel 82801 GB/GR/GH ( ICH7 family ) for which the
> drivers are already
> present. I want to unload the drivers and reverse engineer them and make
> them working.
> Is it a good way to learn SATA/SCSI drivers ?? Please guide me with your
> invaluable experience.
> Regards,
> Onkar

A little background.

First a little about SCSI:

SCSI is a layered protocol stack not too different than TCP/IP.  There
is actually SCSI-1, SCSI-2, and SCSI-3.  I believe those correlate
directly with layers 1, 2, 3 of the 7 layer network protocol stack
that I assume you are familiar with from TCP/IP type networking.

>From the inception of libata (the new ata driver that is in 2.6.x
kernels) it has been part of the scsi subsystem and I believe replaces
SCSI-1 and SCSI-2, but uses SCSI-3 from the scsi stack itself.  That
is why sata drives are name /dev/sda etc.

fyi: usb does this to, but usb actually uses scsi-2 on the wire.  Then
within the external drive enclosure is a SAT.  (Scsi to ATA

So at the connection medium layer (replacing SCSI-1) we have the sata
cable and associated voltages.  I'll assume you don't care much about

At the messaging layer (replacing scsi-2) we have the sata spec.
uhhh.. I mean we have the portion of the ATA-7 spec. associated with
sata devices.

You will definitely want to get your hands on a RFC version of the
ATA-7 spec.  Or even the ATA-8 spec. which has been seeing a lot of
work in the last couple years.  I don't know if it was ever finalized.
 I've posted a link to the ATA-8 draft spec. a few times but don't
have it handy right now.

fyi: I think most of the changes in ATA-8 relate to SSDs and your
asking about traditional rotating disk, so ATA-7 should be sufficient.

If you want to experiment with sata messaging, I'd suggest you look at
hdparm.  Its on sourceforge and Mark Lord keeps it pretty current.  It
can send a large number of the sata messages.  I don't think it can
send commands that actually update a sector with data.  So it is
mostly about the command and control, not payload.

Ok, now to a little more comparison to networking.

I assume you know in the LAN world we have NICs, switches, and
destination computers (ie. more nics).

In the sata world we have analogous items:

NIC => Sata Controller
Switch => Port Multiplier
destination computer => hard drive

So your request for a hdd spec. is sort of like being in the
networking world and saying "I want to write a TCP/IP driver, can some
one tell me where I can find the Win2008 spec. so I know how to talk
to it?"

Not very logical, right.  At some point you may have to add a "quirk"
in to your nic driver to support a weird behavior in the Win2008
stack, but it is by no means where you would start.

libata works the same.  The core libata driver handles the sata
messaging protocol for talking to disks and is implemented to follow
the ata-7 spec.  So for most hard drives they should just work and no
extra coding is needed at all.

 But, within the libata framework are sata controller drivers, just as
within the network portion of linux there are NIC drivers.

So what you need primarily are the sata spec (ata-7) and the controller spec.

I hope that at least explains things enough to let you try to read the
kernel code and begin to learn the libata subsystem.


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