On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 5:44 AM, Belisko Marek <marek.beli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using stable kernel for development. I would like to
> switch to 2.6.34 stable kernel.
> I'm using git. Is there some easy way how to do that?
> I try to merge 2.6.34/master to my 2.6.33 with git but merge failed
> and changes are so huge.
> Or should I create patch for my 2.6.33 clone 2.6.34 and apply patch to
> 2.6.34 kernel?
> Thanks for support,
> Marek

I've always assumed the best way is your last suggestion.

ie. create a patch of your changes from the 2.6.33 git repo, then pull
down a fresh 2.6.34 and apply your patch.  Fixing any issues you have
at that time.

But I've never tried to apply a distro patch (2.6.33 to 2.6.34) to a
locally patched git repo, so my info is again an assumption.


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