thanks for your kind reply :)

2010/10/12 Greg Freemyer <greg.freem...@gmail.com>:
> On Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 2:08 PM, loody <milo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  Dear all:
>> I am so SORRY that I send the mail before I finish it, since I finger
>> flip over the send button.
>> SORRY~~~
>>  i write a simple program as below to count the speed of writing a file
>>  over usb, gettimeofday before writing and gettimeofday when finish
>>  writing. but I found something make me curious.
>>  1. my program is compiled as static and I use open, write instead of
>>  libc function calls.
>> 2. I use the same kernel and usb modules, kernel version is 2.6.31
>>  the only difference is I have 2 rootfs, both of them are
>>  cross-compiled as arm platform.
>>  Here comes the problem.
>>  the speed of the roofs1 I got is 8MB/s but rootfs2 is 1MB/s
>>  my concerns are:
>>  1. my program is build as static, that means the libs in the roofs has
>>  nothing to do with this program.
>>  2. my program is written with file I/O, instead of file operations
>>  supported by c lib, that means I direct calling kernel system call for
>>  writing data. If my assumption above are correct, that seems the
>>  kernel make me slow on rootfs2.
>>  3. in the beginning, I thought there maybe some other program, like
>>  threads, running on rootfs2 which let my speed get slow.
>>     but how could I find them on the taret?
>>  4. if I really want to find out whether the delay comes from kernel
>> instead of usb or other driver module, is there configs I can open to
>> monitor the write flow and found out where it stuck?
>> appreciate your help,
>> miloody
> You don't describe how your flushing the cache.
> i find most out of whack benchmarks like this are caused by not
> properly managing the cache flushing process.
> Since you wrote your own "benchmark" tool, just be sure it calls
> fsync() before closing the file and taking your time measurement.
> Greg
I mount the usb disk with sync option and that is the reason why it is so slow.
BTW, theoretically random r/w should be the same speed as sequential r/w right?
for usb device it just send sequential bulk command and random ones right?
appreciate your help,

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