On Fri, 31 Jul 2020 at 22:25, Swarup <dinban...@sprynet.com> wrote:

> On 7/31/20 9:26 AM, Jaroslaw Staniek wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Jul 2020 at 23:26, Swarup <dinban...@sprynet.com> wrote:
>> On 7/30/20 5:02 PM, Jaroslaw Staniek wrote:
>> On Thu, 30 Jul 2020 at 21:44, Swarup <dinban...@sprynet.com> wrote:
>>> On 7/30/20 3:32 PM, Jaroslaw Staniek wrote:
>>> On Thu, 30 Jul 2020 at 17:38, Swarup <dinban...@sprynet.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello
>>>> 1. I am using Kexi Version 3.1.0  in Ubuntu 19.04.
>>>> 2. I have very basic needs, such as the need to be able to add another
>>>> column without erasing all my data, and the need to increase the number of
>>>> characters allowed in a cell, without that change erasing all my data. As I
>>>> understand, these things cannot be done in Version 3.1.0.
>>> Hello. Right. First step is to upgrade to 3.2.
>>> This topic can be studied here
>>> https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=221&t=132264
>>>> 3. Is there a very easy, user friendly way to update to the latest
>>>> version of Kexi?
>>> Always three ways as follows, whatever suits best:
>>> 1. Request an easy way from your distributor
>>> 2. Change the distributor
>>> 3. Install a Flatpak snapshot https://community.kde.org/Kexi/Snapshots
>>> There is no point in me upgrading to the laterst version, if that
>>> version doesn't have the feature of allowing me to add columns or increase
>>> the number of allowed characters in a cell without erasing the data.
>>>> 4. Otherwise, I would like to export my data from Kexi and migrate over
>>>> to MS Access. I have been using Kexi for many, many years-- but these basic
>>>> limitations have made my work impossible.
>>> I am sorry about that. The forum thread explains a bit the fact that
>>> these features mean larger endeavours so we need more contributors on board.
>>>> 5. I do not see any option in Kexi to export my data to say csv. This
>>>> is an import option, but I do not see an export option. Where is the option
>>>> to export my data?
>>> Users can export each table by right-clicking and exporting to a file.
>>> This does not work. Any time I right click and select to export to a
>>> file, kexi crashes and shuts down. I have seen this same problem reported
>>> by several other users in the Ubuntu forums.
>> That may be the reason for upgrading...
>> Are you telling me that if I upgrade, then the export feature will work?
> My opinion is that it works in 3.2.0 and I worked on this issue for 3.2.0.
> Natural thing: because the Ubuntu distributors are not part of the KEXI
> project, they give no guarantee about their binaries, there is no 100%
> guarantee how it will behave.
>> Or are you guessing that it *may* work?
>> Before I start putting big effort (which is what I know it is going to
>> be, nothing with Kexi is straightforward), into upgrading, I want to know
>> positively if the export feature works dependably or not.
> Upgrading is not straightforward due to the distribution's guidelines.
> This is why the Flatpak version of KEXI has been developed - to suit many
> distributions in one go. If all effort is put into distributing, there
> would be no time for new features or fix in KEXI. Alternative can be a paid
> download.
>>> Because these are SQLite tables, users can also run apps like
>>> sqlitebrowser to export all tables in one go (File->Export->CSV).
>>> I am not a techy to start learning how to use apps like sqlitebrowser.
>>> I need to get my data out of kexi, and from what I am hearing from you
>>> thus far it sounds, unfortunately, like my data is trapped in kexi and
>>> unable to get out. Please provide me a simple solution that works to export
>>> my data from Kexi. This is urgently needed.
>> There are ready to use tools, e.g.
>> https://sqliteviewer.com/blog/export-sqlite-to-access/
>> I hope it works for you.
>> On the link you gave me, they themselves are writing "This method
>> involves complicated procedure, which on going wrong can lead to loss of
>> data from the Sqlite database".
>> I am really regretting that I got my whole database stuck in Kexi. I've
>> been using this since 2008 for the past 14 years, and now I wish to not
>> remain stuck in this format any longer which has so many limitations. It
>> should not be listed as the alternative to MS Access. The two cannot be
>> compared.
>> If you are able to provide me some real support and guidance for how to
>> dependably get my data out of this program, I will be very grateful.
> I am sorry to hear that the free support you received is insufficient. You
> can consider finding a paid support, which would be potentially comparable
> to MS Access - I guess email or phone support of MS Access isn't free.
> Regarding the migration back, you need general guidance for "how to get
> data from SQLite to MS Access".
> There is no way to migrate forms and reports using a program, basically
> because nobody paid for this function. Any programmer is free to write such
> a tool and she/he will even receive integration support from the KEXI
> folks. This is how new features appear in our environment - a matter of
> need and choice.
> Cheers.
> So the export function is guaranteed to work properly if kexi is installed
> in KDE, right? If I install KDE in VM Ware, install Kexi in KDE, and open
> my DB there, the export function will be sure to work properly?

It works for me (just tested) and a number of other users, so this can work.

regards, Jaroslaw Staniek

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