[bbend...@arinc.com - Thu Jul 10 16:35:51 2014]:

>         copy lib\obj\AMD64\dbg\*.lib "c:\freeware\krb\lib\."
> The system cannot find the path specified.
> NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'copy' : return code '0x1'

That command line would be for a debug build, which is the default (the knob is 
DEBUG as I said in my previous message, sorry).  Weird failures are expected if 
the value of 
NODEBUG does not match the compiler environment (the "setenv" invocation or 
depending on the visual studio release in use).

> That's the error I'm getting after doing "nmake install"
> The version is 5-1.12.1
> I got it from MIT: http://web.mit.edu/kerberos/

The krb5 1.NN releases are for Unix systems only and are not necessarily 
expected to build on 
windows systems.  We don't have tarballs of the source code for KfW releases on 
that page, but 
they are available via github, e.g., 
https://github.com/krb5/krb5/releases/kfw-4.0.1-final .

If nothing else but to decrease the number of unknown variables, it's probably 
best to retry with 
that source tree.
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