Hi Mike,

Thanks for your time on this.

I have some comments below.

> This is a first approach.
> It's what I understood from your last email, my idea was more complicated.
> summary:
> 1)  Added to new plugin types:

I don' think we don't need these 2 new enum values.  This support goes into 
KICAD plugins, respectively.  The idea is to bind the library technology with 
corresponding board technology, in the collection of API functions.  This way a 
with knowledge on one kind of foreign file format set, can do a single plugin 
and get
everything in there.

> +        LEGACY_LIBRARY,                 //< Legacy Pcbnew library file format
> +        KICAD_LIBRARY,                  //< S-expression based library format
> 2)  Added a new load method to io_mgr.h (plugin is the same without the 
> +    static MODULE* LoadModule( PCB_FILE_T aFileType, 
> +                                const wxString& aLibraryPath,
> +                                wxString& aModuleName,
> +                                BOARD* aAppendToBoard = NULL,
> +                                PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL);
> +
> I kept appendToBoard (makes sense), and properties (in the future it could be 
> loading
> options for the plugin, like http credentials, or whatever).
> librarypath could be either: directory (new format), file (other formats), 
> http uris
> (future?)
> 3) Added SaveModule (io_mgr + plugin, as "2")
> +     static void SaveModule( PCB_FILE_T aFileType, const wxString& 
> aLibraryPath,
> +                              MODULE* aModule, PROPERTIES* aProperties = 
> NULL);
> I think it needs no explanation
> 4) Added ListModules  method (io_mgr + plugin, as "2,3"):
> +    static wxArrayString ListModules ( PCB_FILE_T aFileType,
> +                                       const wxString& aLibraryPath,
> +                                       PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL);
> +    
> that will return an array of names with all the available modules in that 
> library.
> Notes:
>     a)  This design would be simple, and must work
>     a.1) The doxygen doc headers are compiled and checked.
> Drawbacks:
>     b)  Some plugins would only know how to open PCB files, some plugins will 
> only open
> MODULES/libraries
>          b.1) Could make sense some interface to check the plugin 
> capabilities or make a
> enum type for modules/libraries instead.

The implementor of the plugin can indeed implement a subset of all the PLUGIN 
functions.  Non-implemented ones return an error code.  The developer using the 
will know this in advance for the time being, since he can see the source code, 
and not
jump off a cliff not knowing his parachute package has no fabric in it.

The PLUGIN api is a way or organizing functionality, is not a way of providing 

>     c)  There is the case of opening/saving single componente files (.cmp?), 
> that would
> be almost the same plugin.

I don't want to support that, unless it can be done with the plugin with 
special status,
which is the "KICAD" plugin, and I think this is simply

SaveModule() on the KICAD plugin.  It comes out in s-expression format, ALWAYS. 
because the "library" argument is actually only a directory for that plugin, 
you have your
CMP file, but it is always s-expresion.

> Future ideas (that I might want to add for py-scripting) -out of scope right 
> now-:
>      e)  Dynamic plugin registration, then a python PLUGIN could get itself 
> registered
> on IO_MGR to read/write formats: that would lead to faster format 
> importer/exporters
> development.

Supporting a python plugin does not mandate dynamic C++ registration, if the 
python plugin
is known ahead of time.  However, it is not clear to me that keeping an "in 
plugin in python is sensible.  The purpose of a plugin is to continually access 
a file of
a particular format category, over and over, without actually committing to 
converting it

If you want to write a file *converter*, and want to do it in python, it does 
not have to
be a PLUGIN.  But if you want to seemlessly read and write EAGLE files, 
everyday of the
week from KiCad, C++ is the better choice for that plugin.

If you want to do something "out of process", like dynamically fabricate 
footprints using
an expert system, then I say you still have a C++ plugin in process, but its 
out of
process counterpart can be in python.

More comments in patch.

> 2012/4/12 Miguel Angel Ajo Pelayo <miguelan...@nbee.es 
> <mailto:miguelan...@nbee.es>>
>     2012/4/12 Dick Hollenbeck <d...@softplc.com <mailto:d...@softplc.com>>
>         The changes to PLUGIN should be "additional functions for MODULEs".  
> I like what
>         we have
>         for BOARDs now.
>     Ok, I thought about this idea at first, but tried to make it too abstract 
> ;), it's
>     simpler this way.
>         The new work entails abstracting the *loading* and *saving* of a 
> MODULE from/to
>         a "MODULE
>         library" (aka MODULE collection).
>         So I would expect to see MODULE* in most of the new function 
> prototypes.
>         Along with loading and saving, one may have to know which MODULEs are 
> in a
>         library, so in
>         comes MODULE *enumerating or listing*.
>     That would be extra functions for enumeration/listing, for example
>     List(library_name)=>list of[module names]
>         I'm not saying anything positive or negative about caching, or when 
> or if it should
>         happen.  I am open to suggestions on that.
>     Not ready to say anything about that, probably is unneeded to change 
> anything there
>     at this moment. May be in the future with a library manager / HTTP_LIB 
> /whatever,
>     could start making sense.
>         I am not really even saying that this goal is achievable, since I 
> have not yet spent
>         sufficient time on it myself.  In the near term, if we can jam in 
> this PLUGIN
>         interface,
>         and re-position PCBNEW on top of it with respect to MODULE access, 
> then we would
>         then
>         pickup the following types of MODULEs, even without converting them 
> before using
>         them:
>         *) legacy KiCad modules
>         *) s-expression module in nanometers
>         *) Eagle module libraries ?
>         *) GEDA libraries ?
>     I think it's totally achievable.

This means you are starting to see "surgical points of insertion" of your new 
into existing footprint library management code?

>     The question is now, can we do it for MODULEs from libraries, and do it 
> in PLUGIN,
>     or does
>         it take a lot more?
>     I think it could, I'll finish my proposal and submit the patch to get 
> opinions.

> io_mgr_lib.patch
> === modified file 'pcbnew/io_mgr.h'
> --- pcbnew/io_mgr.h   2012-04-07 18:05:56 +0000
> +++ pcbnew/io_mgr.h   2012-04-12 22:33:58 +0000
> @@ -49,6 +49,8 @@
>      {
>          LEGACY,                         //< Legacy Pcbnew file formats prior 
> to s-expression.
>          KICAD,                          //< S-expression Pcbnew file format.
> +        LEGACY_LIBRARY,                 //< Legacy Pcbnew library file format
> +        KICAD_LIBRARY,                  //< S-expression based library format
>          // add your type here.
>          // EAGLE,
> @@ -144,6 +146,92 @@
>       */
>      static void Save( PCB_FILE_T aFileType, const wxString& aFileName,
>                        BOARD* aBoard, PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL );
> +    
> +    
> +    
> +    /**
> +     * Function ListModules
> +     * finds the requested PLUGIN and if found, calls the 
> PLUGIN->ListModules(..) 
> +     * function on it using the arguments passed to this function.  
> +     * After the PLUGIN->ListModules() function returns, the PLUGIN 
> +     * is Released() as part of this call.
> +     *
> +     * @param aFileType is the PCB_FILE_T of file to load.
> +     *
> +     * @param aLibraryPath is the path to the library file or directory.
> +     *
> +     * @param aProperties is an associative array that can be used to tell 
> the
> +     *  plugin how to access the library file.
> +     *  The caller continues to own this object (plugin may not delete it), 
> and
> +     *  plugins should expect it to be optionally NULL.

I suppose we have to decide how and where we are going to support "searching".

The aProperties argument may be one possibility, or we can do this higher up, 
in the C++
MODULE realm.

The latter keeps the plugin simpler.  Leaving it out of searching, but requires 
that every
module be instantiated to do a rigorous search.

Check client library code and let me know what you think.

> +     *
> +     *  @return wxArrayString - is the array of available modules names 
> inside  
> +     *   a library
> +     *
> +     * @throw IO_ERROR if the PLUGIN cannot be found, library cannot be 
> found,
> +     *  or module cannot be loaded.
> +     */
> +    
> +    static wxArrayString ListModules ( PCB_FILE_T aFileType,
> +                                       const wxString& aLibraryPath,
> +                                       PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL);
> +    
> +    /**
> +     * Function LoadModule
> +     * finds the requested PLUGIN and if found, calls the 
> PLUGIN->LoadModule(..) 
> +     * function on it using the arguments passed to this function.  
> +     * After the PLUGIN->LoadModule() function returns, the PLUGIN 
> +     * is Released() as part of this call.
> +     *
> +     * @param aFileType is the PCB_FILE_T of file to load.
> +     *
> +     * @param aModuleName is the name of the module to load.
> +     *
> +     * @param aAppendToBoard is an existing BOARD to append the module to, 
> +     *         use NULL if you don't want the module added to a BOARD
> +     * 
> +     * @param aProperties is an associative array that can be used to tell 
> the
> +     *  saver how to save the file, because it can take any number of
> +     *  additional named tuning arguments that the plugin is known to 
> support.
> +     *  The caller continues to own this object (plugin may not delete it), 
> and
> +     *  plugins should expect it to be optionally NULL.
> +     *
> +     * @return MODULE* - caller owns it unless it's added to a BOARD, in that
> +     *  case BOARD will take care of deletion when BOARD is deleted. Never 
> +     *  because exception thrown if error.
> +     *    
> +     * @throw IO_ERROR if the PLUGIN cannot be found, library cannot be 
> found,
> +     *  or module cannot be loaded.
> +     */
> +    static MODULE* LoadModule( PCB_FILE_T aFileType, 
> +                                const wxString& aLibraryPath,
> +                                wxString& aModuleName,

I don't understand why you kept this argument, aAppendToBoard:

> +                                BOARD* aAppendToBoard = NULL,
> +                                PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL);
> +
> +    /**
> +     * Function SaveModule
> +     * will write a module to an existing library, or just create the library
> +     * if it doesn't exist
> +     *
> +     * @param aFileType is the PCB_FILE_T of file to save.
> +     *
> +     * @param aLibraryPath is the path of the library where we want the 
> module
> +     *  to be stored in.
> +     *
> +     * @param aModule is the module object that we want to store in the 
> library.
> +     *   The caller continues to own the MODULE.
> +     * 
> +     * @param aProperties is an associative array that can be used to tell 
> the
> +     *  saver how to save the file, because it can take any number of
> +     *  additional named tuning arguments that the plugin is known to 
> support.
> +     *  The caller continues to own this object (plugin may not delete it), 
> and
> +     *  plugins should expect it to be optionally NULL.
> +     *
> +     * @throw IO_ERROR if there is a problem saving or exporting.
> +     */
> +     static void SaveModule( PCB_FILE_T aFileType, const wxString& 
> aLibraryPath,
> +                              MODULE* aModule, PROPERTIES* aProperties = 
> NULL);
>  };
> @@ -237,6 +325,81 @@
>      virtual void Save( const wxString& aFileName, BOARD* aBoard,
>                         PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL );

The last 3 functions should be virtual not static if they are to go into the 
PLUGIN interface:

> +    
> +    /**
> +     * Function ListModules
> +     * 
> +     * Get an array with the names of all available modules inside a pcb 
> library.
> +     *
> +     * @param aLibraryPath is the path to the library file or directory.
> +     *
> +     * @param aProperties is an associative array that can be used to tell 
> the
> +     *  plugin how to access the library.
> +     *  The caller continues to own this object (plugin may not delete it), 
> and
> +     *  plugins should expect it to be optionally NULL.
> +     *
> +     *  @return wxArrayString - is the array of available modules names 
> inside  
> +     *   a library
> +     *
> +     * @throw IO_ERROR if the PLUGIN cannot be found, library cannot be 
> found,
> +     *  or module cannot be loaded.
> +     */
> +    
> +    static wxArrayString ListModules ( PCB_FILE_T aFileType,
> +                                       const wxString& aLibraryPath,
> +                                       PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL);
> +     /**
> +     * Function LoadModule
> +     * 
> +     *  will load a MODULE object from the library format this PLUGIN 
> +     * knows about.
> +     *
> +     * @param aModuleName is the name of the module to load.
> +     *
> +     * @param aAppendToBoard is an existing BOARD to append the module to, 
> +     *         use NULL if you don't want the module added to a BOARD
> +     * 
> +     * @return MODULE* - caller owns it unless it's added to a BOARD, in that
> +     *  case BOARD will take care of deletion when BOARD is deleted. Never 
> +     *  because exception thrown if error.
> +     *    
> +     * @param aProperties is an associative array that can be used to tell 
> the
> +     *  saver how to save the file, because it can take any number of
> +     *  additional named tuning arguments that the plugin is known to 
> support.
> +     *  The caller continues to own this object (plugin may not delete it), 
> and
> +     *  plugins should expect it to be optionally NULL.
> +     *
> +     * @throw IO_ERROR if the PLUGIN cannot be found, library cannot be 
> found,
> +     *  or module cannot be loaded.
> +     */
> +    static MODULE* LoadModule( const wxString& aLibraryPath,
> +                                wxString& aModuleName,

OMIT aAppendToBoard

> +                                BOARD* aAppendToBoard = NULL,
> +                                PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL);
> +
> +    /**
> +     * Function SaveModule
> +     * will write a module to an existing library, or just create the library
> +     * if it doesn't exist
> +     *
> +     * @param aLibraryPath is the path of the library where we want the 
> module
> +     *  to be stored in.
> +     *
> +     * @param aModule is the module object that we want to store in the 
> library.
> +     *   The caller continues to own the MODULE.
> +     * 
> +     * @param aProperties is an associative array that can be used to tell 
> the
> +     *  saver how to save the file, because it can take any number of
> +     *  additional named tuning arguments that the plugin is known to 
> support.
> +     *  The caller continues to own this object (plugin may not delete it), 
> and
> +     *  plugins should expect it to be optionally NULL.
> +     *
> +     * @throw IO_ERROR if there is a problem saving or exporting.
> +     */

Here we get the footprint name from the MODULE?  Seems probably good enough, 
but slight
chance it will not be.

> +     static void SaveModule( const wxString& aLibraryPath,
> +                              MODULE* aModule, PROPERTIES* aProperties = 
> NULL);
> +    
> +    
>      //-----</PUBLIC PLUGIN 
> API>------------------------------------------------
>      /*  The compiler writes the "zero argument" constructor for a PLUGIN

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