> > - Board cleanup function (from menu) crashes program. A bug?
> Can't seem to find that function, can you be a bit more specific?

It is called from (PCBnew):
Menu/Miscellaneous/Track operations
It seems that turning on 'Delete unconnected tracks' causes a crash for me.

> > - when DRC is ON and something is not allowed it should at least sound
> > a beep or something to let user know about the problem.
> You mean a beep when trying to place a track that violates DRC rules (e.g. 
> spacing) ?

Exactly, for a beginner, I could not figure out why I could not lay a trace 
Later I noticed the status on a status line, but it is not obvious right away.
A beep or a highlighting of the error area would be nice (feature request).


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