
I pay a lot of attention to such details and I chose Kicad a short while 
ago exactly because schematics look nice!!! (And a few other benefits, 
of course)

Could you explain in more details (maybe images) what problems are you 
getting? Surely someone here can help you, or make it look good...


wkleckler escreveu:
> I've been looking for a schematic capture / PCB layout program to 
> run in Linux-Kubuntu.  KiCad looks promising but the schematic 
> symbols for primitives (e.g. OR gates, AND gates, etc.) look very 
> bad.  It appears that the construction lines which generate the arcs 
> are rendered in the schematic.  This makes the schematic very 
> cluttered and makes the symbols confusing.  Does anybody have any 
> good ideas for correcting this or should I bite the bullet and get 
> Eagle?
> ------------------------------------
> Please read the Kicad FAQ in the group files section before posting your 
> question.
> Please post your bug reports here. They will be picked up by the creator of 
> Kicad.
> Please visit http://www.kicadlib.org for details of how to contribute your 
> symbols/modules to the kicad library.
> For building Kicad from source and other development questions visit the 
> kicad-devel group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/kicad-develYahoo! Groups 
> Links

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