On Monday 09 February 2009 21:20:02 william ehlers wrote:
> I have tried to update Kicad from the supplied 07/09/2007 version with
> absolutely no luck. I have a toshiba laptop with an AMD 64bit dual
> core processor and 4GB of memory running KDE4 desktop and Fedora 10
> x86_64. When I have tried the precompiled versions by overwriting the
> old version my desktop crashes all the way back to the login screen.
> When I delete the 7/9/07 version and follow the instructions on the
> kicad website kicad does nothing the program does not come up at all.
> I see a small bouncing Kicad icon then it disappears with nothing
> happening. I have tried using the Windows version under wine which
> runs until I try PCBNEW and my computer reboots back to the login
> screen. I am not a software programmer so I haven't even tried the
> nightmare of compiling the source code. I used linux about 8 years ago
> and as I remember compiling code was a mind altering experience which
> never did work. Again I am not a software guy so problem is mine.
> Any and all help will be appreciated.
> AndyE


I run the latest Ubuntu on mydual core AMD 64 without any glitches whatsoever.

How did you install KiCad?

I use version kicad-full-version-2008-08-25c-final.tgz and that one is working.

I unpacked it from /usr/local so the KiCad installation is 

See what it complains about by starting a terminal window and type  

Look for error messages and try to trace them.

Fedora doesn't feellike the - hrmm, majority installation Ubuntu is biut 
should still work.

Fedora used to bite me in the past as they screwed up the libraries at 
updates. I couldn't have that so out went Fedora.

//Dan, M0DFI

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